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Tour road cyclist (electric bikes...)

Along the Semois.gpx   

Along the Semois (varying).gpx   

Discovering villages.gpx   

Cultural heritage and landscape.gpx   

Cultural heritage and landscape (varying).gpx   

Mountainbike tours

The Tourist Information Center has developed 6 mountainbike tours in its municipality.

The map of the mountainbike tours will include all the signed tours in and around Florenville. That is in total : 150 km.

For sell at the Tourist Information Center from June 2018 (6 €).

Mountainbike tours

Tour 6 (42,3 km)   

This file can be downloaded then imported in your navigation system.
GPX is the acronym for GPS eXchange. This is a format that allows to exchange GPS data.
Except for editing, this XML file can't be open as it is but it has to be imported in your navigation system.
It is possible to import it in Google MyMaps or via softwares like EasyGPS, GPX Viewer, Basecamp (for Garmin)...


Bicycle rental


Rue de Neufchâteau 24 – 6820 FLORENVILLE
Tel. : +32 (0) 61 31 12 74 ou +32 (0) 475 55 39 81
Closed on Monday


Mountain e-bikes rental


Rue de la Barrière 11A – 6824 CHASSEPIERRE
Tél. : +32 61 31 46 81


Opening hours of the Tourist Office

From Monday to Saturday : 9:00 > 17:00
On public holiday : 10:00 > 17:00
Closed on Sundays

Christmas Day : 25 December. New Year's Day : 1 January

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