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florenville situation

Situated on the north-west of the Gaume, near the Ardennes, the town of Florenville includes 7 old municipalities: Chassepierre, Florenville, Fontenoille, Lacuisine, Muno, Sainte-Cécile and Villers-devant-Orval. The size of this town is 14,691 hectares.

It has a 50-kilometer boundary with France and is situated near the municipalities of Chiny, Herbeumont, Bouillon and Meix-devant-Virton. The river Semois goes through the North of the city.

Florenville has a lot of assets : beauty of its sites and landscapes – charm of its villages and hamlets – pure air – vast expanse of woodlands with lots of hiking possibilities – valley of the Semois, beautiful river with different landscapes – warm welcome of the inhabitants – old touristic tradition – various and numerous touristic equipment – accommodation infrastructures...




ChassepierrePâtes - OrvalPromeneursChocolatCyclistes FlorenvillePiscine à FlorenvilleGibiersPêcheurOrval - bièreLes ÉpiouxPâté gaumaisAbbaye d'Orval


Opening hours of the Tourist Office

From Monday to Saturday : 9:00 > 17:00
On public holiday : 10:00 > 17:00
Closed on Sundays

Christmas Day : 25 December. New Year's Day : 1 January

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